A fuel oil additive which improves combustion efficiency, conserves energy, and reduces fuel oil waste in heating systems. Each 16-ounce container treats up to 275-gallons of fuel oil. Cleans strainers, nozzles, pumps and burners, minimizing breakdowns from clogged lines, strainers or nozzles and water-blocked filters. Power Flow in fuel oil is a sludge and water dispersant, which prevents waxing and jelling of oil, and inhibits formation of rust in the tank. Product prevents ice formation and freeze-up of fuel oil line assuring a steady flow of fuel in any kind of weather. Reduces soot formation by increasing burner efficiency. Power Flow also protects fuel oil during summer storage. We recommend using oil conditioner in any outdoor oil tank.
Automatically and continuously removes air from the oil, creating the best possible operating conditions for the heating installation.
We choose to use galvanized material on outdoor installations when possible. Although there is a small increase in cost, we feel that it is important to use steel that is protected against rusting and is meant to last longer. This is part of a quality installation.
For use when copper tube is to be buried or used in a potentially aggressive environment. Certain soils and building materials can contain chemicals that are potentially corrosive to plain copper tube, requiring it to be protected to ensure longevity in service. Our plastic-coated copper tube eliminates the need for on-site tape wrapping or sleeving, creating a savings on labor and ensuring a professional looking installation.
Roth Double Wall Fuel Oil Safety
Tank ROTH double wall tanks are designed to offer the highest level of environmental protection. Every inner ROTH Tank is made out of blow-molded, high density polyethylene that is seamless, absolutely leak-proof and corrosions resistant. In addition, ROTH tanks feature top connections to ensure oil stays where it should. The outer tank is made of leaf-proof corrosion resistant steel which is capable of containing at least 110% of the capacity of the inner tank for maximum protection.